Imagine jumping out of bed in the morning excited to get to work on something you love. After work, your loved ones are such a joy to be around. You crawl cozily into bed at night and fall asleep in peace.
This is fulfillment.
Sadly, most of us will go through this life without it. After all, “life's a bitch and then you die,” right? Most of us will take deep fear, doubt, regret, and disappointment to the grave.
It's not your fault.
You are a human and, as such, are dependent on other humans for survival. To feel secure, you’ve learned to follow “the rules.”
Culture’s beliefs and attitudes became your own.
Sticking out from that “herd” would, after all, make you a “black sheep.”
In this resignation you deny your true self, the part of you that knows what you naturally want and need to feel fulfilled, and misery is the outcome.
Our mission is to guide you along a process that works to reconcile those opposing parts of yourself in order to move towards fulfillment. The more you align with your truth and reality the more reward. You can go at your own pace, but remember, “life is short.”
1. Be honest with yourself about areas of your life that leave you feeling stuck, miserable, or confused.
2. Examine and question the internal thoughts that you have been encultured to believe that are not actually true for you.
3. Take external actions that move you away from living for culture and towards a life based on your true nature.
4. Live your best life, helping others to do the same.
If more and more people are courageous enough to do this “work” the whole planet will take a much needed shift towards more freedom, peace, and love for all. Will you contribute to fulfillment or remain part of the herd?